How to change text in word document
How to change text in word document

(in)> finds "in" and "within," but not "interesting. One or more occurrences of a character or finds "lot" and "loot." Tck finds "tock" and "tuck" but not "tack" or "tick."Įxactly n occurrences of a character or expressionĪt least n occurrences of a character or expressionĪ range of occurrences of a character or expression Mst finds "mist" and "most" but not "mast."Īny single character except characters in the range inside the brackets Ight finds "right" and "sight" and "tight."Īny single character except the characters inside the brackets You can refine a search by using any of the following wildcard characters. Select Replace All, Replace, or Find Next. Select Special, select a wildcard character, and then type any additional text in the Replace with box. Select the Replace tab, and then select the Replace with box. Word will find "Newman Belinda" and replace it with "Belinda Newman." For example, type (Newman) (Belinda) in the Find what box and \2 \1 in the Replace with box. You can search for an expression and use the \ n wildcard character to replace the search string with the rearranged expression. For example, search for to find "presorted" and "prevented." You can use parentheses to group the wildcard characters and text and to indicate the order of evaluation.

how to change text in word document

For example, type \? to find a question mark. To search for a character that's defined as a wildcard character, type a backslash (\) before the character. To do that, just use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A on your keyboard. To refresh yourself, you can insert a picture as the background of Word document. First, select all of the text in the document. After a long time writing with Microsoft Word, your eyes may already tired of the default blank page. You can also enter a wildcard character directly in the Find what box instead of selecting an item from the Special pop-up menu. Change Font of an Entire Microsoft Word Doc. To cancel a search in progress, press + PERIOD.

How to change text in word document